The Fourth Revolution can make us clever and free again

In the Industrial Age, the world wanted to make us stupid. It wanted to make us be a cog in the well oiled machine of society.

For the first time since centuries the Fourth Revolution gives us the possibility to be clever and free again. But – will be seize this chance?

couch potato family
Industrial Age classical image: watching what others have decided for us

There is quite some comfort to passively be told what to do. To avoid taking decisions as they are taken by others. To watch TV all day long, watching what others have decided would be good for us. Relying on ‘specialists’ to decide what we read, eat.

The difficulty of accessing information has vanished. Today at the touch of our fingers we have humankind’s information available.

Will we use it? Will we make the effort to seek information, to find what we need, to decide by ourselves what we want to do, watch, read?

Some individuals have chosen that path. Most have not. It is scary, it requires decision-making, it involves risk and – gosh – failure.

Will we see the majority of people chose the harder way of freedom and choice? It seems like the young generation is much more unconventional than the previous generations. Still the majority will start working in corporations where fitting with the system is a survival skill.

Maybe the ongoing economical crisis that forces more people than ever to be creative in their response to finding ways to live will be considered as a key moment in the emancipation of humankind.

And you, when do you become free again?
