Transform uncertainty and fear into fuel for creation

Creators train themselves to transform uncertainty, fear, and doubt into fuel for creation

This is a quote from ‘Uncertainty‘, a book by Jonathan Fields, which resonates deeply with me.

Firm steps into uncertainty
Are you ready to step into uncertainty?

I hate to face uncertainty. I’d like my life to be organized and predictable for the next few months, years.

I hate having a predictable life. Much too boring. So challenging!

I am stressed and fearful sometimes. Quite often actually since I started my own company.  Some days it gets the better of me and I avoid the issue. Some days it pushes me forward into action.

So what? I progressively learn to accept uncertainty and fear and how it opens opportunities. I still have a long way to go to welcome, to grab these feelings and use them as a source of energy. Still I am on my way, and there are times where I experience uncertainty or fear as a real fuel for creativity.

See, avoiding uncertainty and fear was the mindset of the Industrial Age. Welcoming uncertainty and fear as a transformational force will be the mindset of the Collaborative Age. We need to learn that because it will be what makes us successful.

And you? I’d like to hear about your experience in the comments!
