Another proof of how Europe fails the transition of the Fourth Revolution

Do you know that the rate of creation of large companies in the last decades has diminished tremendously in Europe? And that it has been maintained in the US only though all the “Fourth Revolution” companies that accompany the net-economy?

Large companies in US and Europe by date of creation
Large companies in US and Europe by date of creation (the Economist)

In this graph extracted from the Economist paper, “les Miserables“, or how Europe consistently discourages entrepreneurs (published July 2012), all the drama of Europe is being shown. The drama of the end of the Industrial Age and of the struggle to take the leap of the Collaborative Age. Europe relies on large companies that have been predominantly founded at the heart of the Industrial Age.

Unfortunately this graph is incomplete.  It does not show how Indian, Brazilian and Chinese large companies have appeared in the last two decades and how some prominent companies from those countries are already bigger than most companies from the old developed world. Their contribution would only affect the latest period!

Sticking to the Industrial Age model is not a good idea. Europeans, let’s finally do the leap into the Collaborative Age for the sake of the next generation!
