Creativity: the power of disciplined delivery

Already 50 posts in this blog!!

To tell the truth, at the beginning I doubted I would have inspiration for more than 20 posts!!

And then I gave me a rule – publish 3 posts a week.

Sometimes I am inspired and I can write 5 posts in a day.
And sometimes I am right there in front of my screen… stuck… what clever stuff could I talk to them about?

But because I need to deliver, I get my creative resources together and I do.

Of course all the posts are not great, have not the same appeal. But at the end – the discipline of delivery obliges to be creative. And I am quite happy about the overall result.
Salvador Dali
Wait… discipline and creative are two words that don’t go together?

The creative artist is often depicted as somebody who has no discipline in his life at all!..

But maybe that’s just what conventional wisdom wants us to think. Scratching the varnish, one often finds that successful artists are disciplined in their own way.

When do you start the discipline of delivering to enhance your creativity?
