Why Face-to-Face Meeting Will Not Become Obsolete Soon!

Recently, I have been working for a client who has deployed an advanced, high definition video-conference technique called Telepresence. It tries to simulate talking to people on the other side of the table.

Telepresence – will it ever be the equivalent of a face-to-face encounter?

I was amazed when a few weeks later I happened to meet physically with a person I had only seen before in video-conference and he announced we had already met. I was astonished. I had seen him, of course, but did I really “meet” him when I participated to this video-conference? I did not feel so.

Because a physical encounter involves much more than a video encounter – touching, reacting in a common environment, different perspectives on the person, a closer insight into his whole body language. Even in a few minutes you know more about the person than after 3h of videoconference! I also realize it is easier for me recognize people I have met physically than people I have only seen through video-conferencing.

The amount of data from a physical encounter with a person is still much higher than what technology can convey. Establishing a relationship at the emotional level can only happen with face-to-face encounters. And emotional connections are essential to work as an effective team. This is why I constantly recommend, in particular in the case of remote teams, to have teambuilding sessions involving most of the team, to build that emotional connection. Later remote work is then facilitated by the already established connection.

Face-to-face physical encounters with new people will always remain an essential need. Worldwide travel trends are not going to stop soon.
