When Imitated, it Means You’re on the Right Track! Persist!

Following on our blog post about competition, most people tend to get angry, frustrated and fearful when they realize what they are doing is being imitated. Wrong! That’s absolutely fantastic! It just means that what you are doing is so great that people believe it is worth imitating!

When imitated, that's great news.
When imitated, that’s great news. Don’t retaliate, innovate more!

As Pamela Slim says, “When you are great at what you do, people are bound to imitate you. Sometimes they will try to steal your  intellectual property, or students, or employees or business model, or artistic genre. It is natural to get upset when this happens. But instead of fighting with the imitator, move on to innovate the next stage of your work. If you are doing your job well, your work is constantly improving and growing. Imitate that.”

And she continues with this marvelous formula: “When imitated, don’t retaliate, innovate.”

We could argue on the contrary: when nobody cares to imitate you, maybe what you are doing is not at the right level?

More great thoughts from Pam Slim in her post 10 Ways to Develop a Mastery Mindset
