Are you another victim of the illusion of risk avoidance?

If you risk nothing, you risk everything

No risk, no view! At the edge of the cliff
No risk, no view!

That’s a famous quote that is too often forgotten. Our Industrial Age civilization tries to make us forget about risk. It provides all sort of ‘protections’ which might not be protecting us so well after all (think for example, unemployed persons’ management) and tends to hide sickness and death. It makes us think that great education can provide a risk-free life as an employee of some large organization.

It is an illusion to think we can live without risk. It is an illusion to try to avoid risks. Doing nothing, not moving is the biggest risk of all. Even if it is successful, it means avoiding so many opportunities, avoiding contributing your bit to the world.

There is just one single truth: our risk of dying someday has 100% probability. Our risk of dying someday without having contributed to build our world is… based on how much risk you take.

What about trying to take some reasonable risks just now?
