How we underestimate how meaningful our words can be

Who doubts the power of words? Still we probably underestimate how meaningful the words we are using can be.

small words, big meaningIn his excellent book ‘the Secrets of Consulting‘, Gerald Weinberg describes how helpful it is to a consultant ‘.”It’s gotten so I can actually identify many of my client’s problems by the gilded language used to describe the problems. Clients who use euphemisms are hiding something – event from themselves. For example, most of the time, cost-benefit analysis means cost analysis, and no attention is paid to benefits. In plain language, this means “we’re going to list every expense we can possibly associate with this plan, to make sure it’s smothered””.

With my experience as a consultant I agree fully with that statement. In particular when I start an intervention at a new client, the words that are being used are so strikingly describing the culture that it gives instantly a flavor of the issue.

Of course, it is less obvious if you are immersed in it. What about taking some time to think about the real meaning of the words you are using on a daily basis?
