How to Implement and Use an Internal Social Network in Organizations

For those of you faithful followers of the Fourth Revolution, you will remember that one of the forces that pushed me in that direction was to consider how internal social networks could release the creativity and productivity in organizations.

spider web network
Where is your organization’s network?

Since 2010, the development of effective internal networks has been slower than I would have expected. Resistance to internal social networks has been stronger than expected. Professional communities tend to meet on public networks. Still, silently and in the background, it happens. And small and large companies that do implement them see a great difference in how they operate.

This excellent post on Social Media Explorer, ‘using an internal social network to solve real business problems‘, provides a good summary of what can be achieved with internal social networks. The entire piece is very interesting, I would just like to highlight this quote:

Every company has a wealth of talent and knowledge internally that goes untapped. Just imagine for a second that employees were able to propose projects they want to work on and what talents they could bring to a cross-functional team.”

Indeed that would be a great business opportunity and would release organizations from the current great waste of talent.

When, at last, will you implement an internal social network to boost your business?
