How to Seek and Practice Joyfear

Joyfear is a neologism I found in Leo Babuta‘s latest writings ‘my pursuit of the art of living‘.

its-risky-addicted2success-picture-quoteJoy is an awesome thing to have, but joyfear is present in the powerful moments in life where joy and fear mix, where we’re taking chances and doing something outside of our comfort zone that both excites us and makes us face the possibility of failure. I now embrace these moments rather than avoiding them“.

I like the concept. Stepping out of your comfort zone certainly creates fear, and also creates joy when is happens. I find joyfear an extremely powerful concept that I try to practice more often. A word that is powerful enough to change one’s life.

As Leo says, “Do not shy away from Joyfear. Seek it out. Recognize it when you happen upon it. Joyfear will change your life, and you’ll never forget the moment you find it.”

Thanks Leo.
