How Crowdfunding Demonstrates the Power of the Long Tail

Kickstarter, a leading crowdfunding site, released very interesting statistics about the crowdfunding activities it supports. On this site, 1 billion dollars of funding will be reached early 2014 with more than 5 million total backers!

funded by Kickstarter What is particularly interesting is that the long tail, so typical of the Fourth Revolution, is at work everywhere: in the distribution of the value of successful projects (75% of projects have a value of less than 10,000$), in the distribution of the number of projects backed by backer (71% only backed a single project and this represents a stunning 40% of the total amounts spent).

This serves to confirm that crowdfunding does leverages the contribution of individuals in a fully distributed manner. As the US federal government and Security Exchange Commission is finalizing regulations that will allow companies to be funded by crowdfunding within certain limits (read this excellent article on the subject, “The promise and perils of equity crowdfunding“), we do observe a definite shift in the capability of individuals to influence projects and even companies on a global level and a decisive manner.

This is a definite shift in the economical power of our societies. Watch for the creative stuff that will ensue!
