The recipe for an organization’s success

The new recipe for an organization’s success is simple. Simple and so powerful.

It starts with P for Purpose. The organization needs a compelling purpose. Compelling means able to create an emotional connection. And not just for those who work inside the organization, for a network of supporters and followers as well.

The next ingredient is R for Radical. The organization needs to be radical in choosing its areas of activity, its customers, its employees, its contributors, its suppliers. The successful organization knows how to say no. It knows how to take the less traveled path.

The two remaining ingredients are familiar to those who follow this blog. It is O for Open and F for Fluid. The organization needs to be in a close synergy with the outside world, exchanging both ways. Its organization needs to be fluid, flexible, adaptable.

That’s not all. You also need a little bit of IT for Information Technology. The terminology is a bit inappropriate. It should be more “Knowledge enhancing technology”. It is usually referred to as IT so we will stick with that denomination.

Put everything together, mix well, give some emotional heat without overheating, and what do you get?

P-R-O-F-IT. As simple as that!

So, when does your organization start to express a Purpose that can be emotionally moving, be Radical in its day-to-day behavior, and Open and Fluid? That’s worth it!
