Why Understanding Beliefs is Essential to Implementing Change

What we believe is what we desire, and what we desire is ultimately what we do. It’s the human condition.” – Tom Asaker in ‘The Business of Belief’.

Desire emotionallyThis sentence left me quite thoughtful. Tom Asaker establishes a strong link between belief and action, through desire. Desire necessarily includes an element of emotion, which compels to act. Belief might be what actually brings that element of emotional motivation.

Tom Asaker continues “Effective leaders know that the essential first step to changing people’s behavior is to understand their perspective and embrace their desires and beliefs“.

To change people’s behavior (their daily actions) it is thus necessary to understand people’s beliefs and build from there. It is absurd to try to change people against their beliefs.

When embarked on a change project, first understand people’s beliefs. And build change on them.
