Why you Should Seek Change Energy in Emotion – not in Analytics

There is no energy in logic, only in emotion” – Dee Pinkard. I like how this quote reminds us that the root of e-motion is indeed motion as in moving. Emotions are actual states which move us – physically.

Emotion is energy in motionThe quote also reminds us that logic or analytic thinking in itself does not really produce movement. In particular if you want to foster some kind of change, or to bring people to take some kind of initiative, the only truthful way is to create emotions. Convincing through clever analytics very rarely creates any kind of subsequent action.

As proven repeatedly by marketing experts, negative emotions do work powerfully when they deal with our fear of loss; positive emotions do work as well when it comes to sharing a compelling vision.

If you want something to move, you need to create emotions. Emotions are energies in motion. Release the energy – create emotions!
