Why Innovation is about Creating Effective Conversations

Hugh McLeod writes in a post: “If your company isn’t innovating, it’s likely because no one is facilitating the right conversations

Innovation-ConversationFurther he writes, “In Gapingvoid’s long experience working with Fortune 500 companies, we’ve found they all have the same problem. When communication shuts down, so does innovation. And it isn’t lack of money, talent or resources. What’s missing is the interpersonal. They either don’t like each other or don’t like talking to each other or both.

Ideas are generating by the encounter and the mix with other ideas (see for example our post ‘Idea Multiplication‘). Innovative companies must have the right conversations to foster innovation. This often needs to be facilitated – either simply through the architecture (creating places to foster encounters) or through facilitation. It takes some effort to create meaningful, powerful conversations – and they are so needed in most organizations!

Create powerful conversations, and you will create innovation. So simple!
