New Africa Mobile Phone Statistics – Expect the Fourth Revolution to Spread Like Wildfire

Gallup published some extremely striking statistics of mobile phone penetration in Africa. In most African countries, more than two-third of the households have a mobile phone in 2013!! And in a number of countries that can be considered to be quite poor (Uganda, Ivory Coast etc.), more than 75% of the households have one!

cell phone usage in AfricaThis is an incredible penetration rate which shows that today, owning a mobile phone is probably considered to be a basic need by most of humankind.

It is also a sign of hope that access to significantly better communication capabilities will foster the development of Africa economies.

The other statistics that is extremely interesting in this paper is the following:

Gallup_phone_ownership_per_incomeThis confirms that mobile phone ownership is considered a must even by the poorest and that it is not just a fancy equipment for rich people. A Revolution has started. We probably have not seen its consequences yet, but it is coming. And it will surprise us.

Related post: How the Fourth Revolution Reaches every Corner of the Planet.
