How To Start a Business: Understand Who You Are

I find the following quote quite interesting: “My answer to the question “how do I start up a business?” is “with a thorough understanding and acceptance of who you are.”” – Sue Vizard in an article about coaching businesses.

walk-in-your-shoesOf course, the quote might be even more applicable to coaching businesses where the coach must be well grounded to help its clients, still, I believe this quote is very worthwhile to consider for all kinds of businesses, when it comes to entrepreneurial ventures. It requires so much dedication which needs to be backed by so much energy that it needs to be respond to a deep understanding of what makes the entrepreneur passionate.

Sue Vizard continues: “Take time to acknowledge what makes you tick, how you ended up where you are and who you want to be for the rest of your life. Yes, your business will provide an income, hopefully, but it’s also an opportunity for fun and fulfillment.”

Should not we reverse the proposition – if it’s an opportunity for fun and fulfilment, then we’ll find a way to make it provide an income?

Finally, Sue adds: “check how comfortably your business fits in to your dream. And if it does not, then adjust your business, not your dream.” You have been warned!
