Would Happiness Be Our Greatest Fear?

In this post, Om Swami makes the point that Happiness could be our greatest fear. Even beyond fear of unknown, of death, loss, of failure and rejection! “When good things do happen, we think it’s luck, or plain fluke, that we couldn’t possibly deserve this goodness. This is the fear of happiness. And, it stops most people from chasing their dreams, it’s the obstacle to realizing their full potential“.

Seneca quote - fear of happinessAccording to him, it is a fear that we would learn progressively from being in situations where we would not be adequate. “With the passage of time, this feeling — I’m not good enough — prepares a perennial battleground of two opposing forces, fear and self-affirmation“.

I feel it is true sometimes that the fear of happiness prevents us from taking fully advantage of the situation we are in. I would maybe not fully agree that it is caused by comparing ourselves with other people, maybe it is also a question around whether we really deserve to be happy. Maybe it is not our greatest fear.

Anyway, this question resonates with me – is that fear that prevents me to feel happy? I might be sometimes, somehow. Luckily, Om Swami also provides the antidote: “To think about it, that’s what it boils down to: ‘Let’s go.’ Action is the most potent antidote to fear

Let’s go!
