Why You Need to Choose Conversation Over Comments

Speaking about the web, Valeria Maltoni notes: “You have a conversation problem. And social networks have exacerbated it. People think they are conversing. Instead, they are commenting — big difference.”

conversation valueCommenting is about judgment. It is a one way affair. Conversing is about exchanging views, possibly opinions. It is a two way affair. It can generate new ideas and views from the confrontation.  And it makes all the difference.

How often in our lives do we comment, and forget to converse? How often do we pass judgment, without giving the opportunity for the other to explain or discuss?

We often need to consciously open the door to conversation instead of just producing a series of comments. We need to act instead of judging and avoiding the interaction.

Hat tip to Valeria Maltoni’s post ‘People don’t Converse: they Comment. Big Difference‘, originally written about online commenting and marketing – and blog commenting!.
