How to Accelerate Decision-Making in a Negotiation

One of the best proven methods to accelerate decision-making in a negotiation is to set up a deadline, which can be arbitrary if needed (or, an existing deadline which importance for the issue at hand is overly exaggerated). Actually, arbitrarily-set deadlines are an excellent way to accelerate decision-making, potentially in one’s favor if quick decision is required.

deadline on a calendarArbitrary deadlines can be a date in a calendar, but the most effective way is to link them with an event that is planned and looks difficult to move: a flight, an overseas trip, long-planned offline holidays. It can even be another deadline already given to an other party when it comes to compete for the same resources! (let’s extend the concept – we can already envisage a situation where deadlines can be created arbitrarily by informing a party of an imaginary deadline given to a second party which had set its deadline based on another arbitrary time like the birthday of the wife of the founder – imagination can be never-ending).

Deadlines are also great not only for the other party but for ourselves because it gives a maximum time-frame where we can be bothered by this particular issue.

On major issues, decision points and negotiations, do not hesitate to set arbitrary deadlines. It will put the system in tension and will lead to much more effective positioning and decision-making.
