How to Decide Whether to Hire Somebody – a Simple Collaborative Age Heuristic

Mark Zuckerberg says: “I’ve developed over time a simple rule. I will only hire someone to work directly for me if I would work for that person. And it’s a pretty good test

interviewI find that it is an interesting heuristic which also says something about the leadership style of this particular leader (by the way, think that he hired Sheryl Sandberg for example who is currently reporting to him as COO and the consequence of this quote in that case).

Anyway, I clearly realize that this heuristic might seem strange in the most usual “industrial Age” working place settings, pyramidal hierarchies and leadership styles. In the context of the Collaborative Age though, it find that it is a thoughtful heuristic. One important aspect is that more and more, people that you meet in your professional life might report to you or become your boss depending on the project and the circumstances. So it is better to be able to work with them either way!

Quote from (Kevin Kelly).
