Why Profit Will Increasingly Be At the Edge of the Existing

In a market-exchange economy, profit is made at the margins” writes Jeremy Rifkin in his interesting book ‘The Zero Marginal Cost Society‘. His argument is that the natural trend for commodity products’ price is to tend to zero; and this trend has significantly accelerated in the last decades.

Esoko add
A great product creating high value and profits, at the edge of the existing

As more and more of the goods and services that make up the economic life of society edge toward near zero marginal cost and become almost free, the capitalist market will continue to shrink into more narrow niches where profit-making enterprises survive only at the edges of the economy, relying on a diminishing consumer base for very specialized products and services“.

The model where you copy the existing is less and less sustainable. If you want to create value, and hence profit, place yourself at the edge. How does your current strategy fare?
