How Acknowledging our Limits is Source of Happiness, but Is That Enough?

Acknowledging in general our limits (physical, social, economical, geographical etc.) is generally required to reach happiness.

Happiness_LimitsThis is probably because not acknowledging these limits leads to permanent dissatisfaction, jealousy, to constant craving for more or for something different. This craving troubles the internal piece required for true happiness, and prevents from being sufficiently in the present to appreciate what happens around us right now.

This explains why people suffering from severe disabilities can be happy, when they acknowledge the limits these disabilities place onto them.

Some people also create their own limits to find happiness, even if they are just illusions created by themselves – in particular, in the social environment.

At the same time, many systems exerting social pressure based on the respect of social limits use the same argument to state that happiness is still possible in the context, how harsh the rules might be.

We thus need to acknowledge those limits, but the question remains of how much should be respect them? In an interesting contradiction, we also need to challenge some of them to be truly satisfied.

That happiness paradox is an aspect we will investigate in a series of posts.
