Why You Should Constantly Develop the Leadership Capacity of Others

I stumbled on this excellent quote by Pamela Slim: “Your job is to build the leadership capacity of the community you serve.”

leadership_developmentPamela Slim continues: “What does this mean? Your success as a leader, whether as an independent professional, a manager in an organization, a coach or a parent, depends on your ability to provide challenging learning experiences that make the people around you stronger, more capable and more prepared to solve the problems that you all care about. In short, stop doing things for them and start supporting them to do things for themselves.”

Let’s pause for a moment here. I find this extremely insightful. Instead of teaching skills the conventional way, she states that we should mainly focused on developing other’ leadership capabilities. Quite a challenge, and this certainly challenges the conventional views. On the other hand it is quite right.

She concludes: “This is easier in theory than it is in practice.” Sure. When do we start?
