Why We Should Practice Nemawashi in Change Management

Nemawashi is an interesting lean management practice (part of the Toyota way), which means going around the decision-makers before a decision meeting to explain to them the foreseen change and prepare them for the decision.

nemawashi bonsaiBasically it means convince the participants one by one, or at least expose them to the decision they have to make. At the extreme, the decision meeting itself becomes just stating an evident decision.

I very much like the image – wikipedia states: “Nemawashi literally translates as “going around the roots”, from ne (root) and mawasu (to go around [something]). Its original meaning was literal: digging around the roots of a tree, to prepare it for a transplant. This process involves bringing the dirt from the new location, and introducing it to the tree, before the transplant, so the tree can grow accustomed to the new environment before it gets there.”

So let’s us have a process before transplanting new idea. Nemawashi!
