How Long Complex Projects Require Regular Reorganization

One of the interesting properties of long and complex projects or programs is the need to periodically re-assess and remodel the delivery organization. Many project managers shy away from such reorganization, in particular because of rigidity often imposed by management and/or the client. However they should implement them proactively.

reorganizationThe organization needs to be adapted every few months to the new focus and challenge that arises from the progressive execution of the project. Complex projects and projects that develop over a long time are not like manufacturing organizations, the scope and even the composition of the team will evolve over time and this needs to be taken into account.

Having a single, rigid, preset organization will necessarily lead to disaster and low morale as contributors struggle to make sense of the evolution of their scope and do not concentrate on what is important for the project at that particular moment.

It is sometimes interesting to have an external advisor giving a view on the adequacy of the current organization and how it should evolve.

In long complex projects, do not take the organization for granted. It needs to evolve regularly, and this is a key success factor.
