How Daring Ideas May Be Beaten, And Start a Winning Game

Following on our previous post ‘How to Create Disruption With Small Steps‘ I like to share this quote from Goethe: “Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward. They may be beaten, but they may start a winning game“.

I find this quote very inspiring because it shows how we sometimes need to sacrifice some of our ideas in our small steps strategy, and lose some battles in order to win the overall jackpot.

Actually it is quite necessary to live through small disappointments and setbacks. But if our disruption visionĀ is good enough we will eventually find a way to express and implement it in a way that will win the day.

In our strategy it is essential to know how to sacrifice some stuff that is not so important for what we really believe in. The process might be tough at times, and necessary. Ready?
