How Machine Learning Will Lead to More Conformity and Less Creativity

One thing most people forget is that machine learning, the essence of today’s Artificial Intelligence (AI), is basically about reproducing the same patterns than the ones fed during the learning process.

A typical machine learning neural network
A typical machine learning neural network

Therefore, the introduction of AI will first lead to an increase of conformity. Anything outside of the ordinary (i.e. outside of the set of circumstances used for the learning process) will cause problems, misbehavior and defects.

If we draw this observation further, it will not be possible to have AI achieve any kind of disruption. Disruption can be created by the human mind, as history shows. So, for a while there will be a significant difference between AI and the human mind: the ability to think out of the box and to create disruptive patterns. Or, what is exactly is generally covered under the word ‘creativity’.

The massive irruption of AI in our lives will force some amount of conformity on us and that is a danger. At the same time, creativity will remain an unrivaled feature of the human mind.
