How Each Civilization Bears the Seeds of Its Destruction Through Inequality Increase

Each civilization is characterized by a social organization and a specific elite. Following on our previous post ‘How Excessive Inequality Will Lead to Revolutions‘ and observation of the fall of previous civilizations and social organizations, a good question is if all societies do not spontaneously tend to increasing inequality – unless specific events or policies temporarily produce the opposite effect.

Societies generally probably tend to become more rigid over time as the elite tries to protect its advantages. If not compelled by external events to compensate (such as drought, catastrophic event, war) or without a visionary leader at the helm that increases redistribution, this may inevitably over time lead to a revolutionary event.

That revolutionary event is generally triggered by an economic downturn such as a bad harvest or more recently, an economic depression.

The Fourth Revolution is happening, transforming our economies and our lives. Elites will also change as a result. Will that be sufficient to manage the transition as we observe a rise in inequality in developed countries?
