How to Consciously Refresh Your Identity and Announce It to the World

Following on our previous post ‘How Essential it is to Overcome Threats to our Identity‘, we can go one step further and actually decide to create our own identity. And we should actually do that exercise on a regular basis, refreshing our identity according our evolution and what we would like to become.

My post ‘How I Became a Businessman‘ was such a realization that my identity had changed and I needed to recognize it. One step further is to create the identity of what you want to become. And with social networks we can even announce this new identity to the world.

I have recently done the exercise. For example my LinkedIn title has changed subtly from ‘Senior Managing Partner and Founder, Project Value Delivery’ to ‘Executive Management in Project-Driven Businesses – Entrepreneur & Business Angel’. It was important for me to recognize for my professional identity that my occupation today is more into leading a few companies, being a businessman and investing in startups as business angel. And that is what I want to do more systematically in the near future.

I believe that doing periodically this conscious exercise of inventing and announcing to the world the identity of what you want to be is essential.

When do you start the same exercise?
