How Mirroring Gestures Is Often the Outcome of Rapport (and not the Contrary)

in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), mirroring is identified as a powerful tool in connecting with other people. It is even recommended to sometime consciously try to mirror the other person in terms of posture, gesture and energy to establish connection. Is that really the case? Is mirroring not rather the outcome of an established connection?

Presidential mirroring (connection well established!)

This case is debated and it would seem that actually, mirroring is an outcome and not a cause for connection.

In any case it can be quite uncomfortable to be voluntarily mirrored by someone we are speaking to, so mirroring should be used cautiously and scarcely.

Personally I find mirroring a powerful tool that can only be used after some level of connection has been established, to reinforce further the connection, in particular when it comes to tackling difficult personal issues.
