Why History Needs to Start Being Written by Nomads

One of the key transformations of the Fourth Revolution is that nomads will take over the sedentary in terms of economic leadership. This never happened before. And History has always been written by the sedentary.

Never did history understand nomads” wrote Gilles Deleuze. It would be about time that History could be written by nomads.

The point of view of the nomad is different: it is not about how things get built over time, it is how we interact with our environment and how we travel to meet other people, and build something out of these interactions. It is how we interact with what mankind builds, it is not about how we own things and protect them.

I am not quite sure how History will be transformed when it will be written by nomads, for sure this will be a substantial paradigm shift for many of us!

Hat tip to Anne Laure Fréant from the site retourenfrance.fr for French expats returning to France and the inspiration from her email newsletter.
