How People That Move Beyond Conformism Are Hated by Others

Those that remain conformists and stayed at their place have a tendency to hate those that have moved on to new things. It is a constant law.

Samuel Maverick
Samuel Maverick

My guess is that this happens in great part because of jealousy, added to the fact that a group of people always tends to reject weirdos that do not follow the conformist behavior.

Of course there are many examples of mavericks being finally hailed at heroes but that always comes after many years of rejection and hatred. And that concerns only a minor fringe of renegades.

Interestingly, ‘maverick’ as a term comes from Samuel Maverick who refused to brand his cattle in 19th century Texas and was thus considered badly by his neighbours.

So if you feel strong rejection from the social body surrounding you, it may be because you are a maverick. Don’t let yourself be impressed. That’s part of the game. And move on!…
