How Risk Management Must Evolve into Resilience Management

In the past decades the concept and discipline of Risk Management has emerged and developed into a major management discipline. But now it has shown its limits.

Houston floodings 2017

One of the issues of the current approach to Risk Management is that it tends to address risk mitigations in a static manner, without considering the fact that quick response and evolutive systems can be a better response to unexpected situations. In addition, traditional risk management approaches address well the ‘known-unknowns’ but absolutely not the ‘unknowns-unknowns’ even in a generic manner.

Resilience Management should be the appropriate future extension of Risk Management. It includes an additional dimension of being able to bear unexpected events or events beyond the bounds of system design. It includes mitigation actions that could include evolution and revolution of the system in a dynamic manner.

As recent storms and unexpected natural or man-made disasters have shown, Resilience Management is a discipline to develop to enhance our capability to respond to the unexpected.
