How Not to Forget to Turn Knowledge Into Habit

In this excellent post ‘Don’t forget the second step‘ Seth Godin makes the point that it is essential not to forget the second step after having performed the first step, which is learning how to do something new.

Step two is turning it into a habit. Committing to the practice. Showing up and doing it again and again until you’re good at it, and until it’s part of who you are and what you do.Most education, most hardware stores, most technology purchases, most doctor visits, most textbooks are about the first step. What a shame that we don’t invest just a little more to turn the work into a habit.

I am also guilty from time to time to limit myself to the theoretical knowledge of a concept and not following up to put it in practice. It takes effort to put in practice, and practice until it becomes a habit. It is so much more worthwhile. The point is to remember why we wanted to learn in the first place. it was to resolve some problem we might have, and we need to face it after.
