The Welcome Complexity Manifesto is Published

I am very proud to announce the publication of the Welcome Complexity Manifesto (in French only at this time, the English version is under checking and should be released soon).

This manifesto is a collective effort spearheaded by Michel Paillet. Welcome Complexity is a non profit organisation under creation in France with the aim to provide resources and tools to deal with the increasing complexity of our world. It is deeply rooted in academic research and regroups also a number of professionals that are actively helping organisations deal with those challenges.

The manifesto ambitions to clarify the problems at stake and gives direction for action.

Welcome Complexity is now working on a Body of Knowledge book that ambitions to give practical tools and advice to tackle the most complex problems of our current world.

A must-read manifesto available worldwide on all e-bookshops. It is sold at the minimum zero-margin price. Here are the links for

Enjoy the read as much as I enjoyed helping publishing it!
