How To Account for Impermanence in Our Decision-Making

I quite like this LinkedIn post that had some success and widespread readership: “What I Wish I Knew At 22“. It is full of interesting recommendations. One of the main recommendations is about the impermanence surrounding us and the fact that success or failure one day means nothing at the scale of a life.

There are very few decisions in life that are permanent. Very little in your life will be definitional unless you choose to make it that way. You aren’t defined by your last success any longer than you are defined by your last failure. The only one super-focused on your story is you, so move on and keep going.”

This has an interesting direct consequence in our personal decision-making: as long as it does not kill us (or bankrupts us, which is the equivalent in financial life), decisions can be reversed – and a bad decision is not the end. Therefore, there is no need to agonise over it too long.
