How to Embrace Things That Might Not Work

Following up on Seth Godin’s four elements of ‘What Makes an Entrepreneur Different‘, it is interesting to elaborate on the fourth element: “Embracing (instead of running from) the work of doing things that might not work“.

As an entrepreneur and junior business angel, I have now had this experience repeatedly. Things that looked like great ideas and that turn out to be utter failures almost leading to bankruptcy. Things that looked like great opportunities and finally just purred away with little or now growth. And a very few things that often looked mundane but finally delivered the most value.

Still somehow I am still keen to try new things. How come?

I guess there are two elements to it:

  • Curiosity. I have always been curious and willing to explore many different fields.
  • Resilience. I have learned that it is possible to try many things without dying (financially or socially). It is even possible to highlight the fact that I have tried something and failed. And now I don’t care too much, because the things that worked kind of excuse and finance what does not.

Stay curious. Become resilient in trying new things – and understand most won’t work.
