How Younger Generations Are Becoming More Perfectionist

According to this excellent Quartz post ‘Millennials are more perfectionist than other generations, but it’s not their fault‘, multiple studies show that younger generation become increasingly perfectionists.

This increase of perfectionism appears to happen mostly in social-driven perfectionism (no doubt driven by social networks and the need to look perfect in them). “The explosion of personal branding rituals—the posting of selfies and status updates announcing new relationships, strong grades, or promotions—exposes everyone to idealized versions of their peers, making college students feel that others are racing ahead, closing in on the perfect life.”

It would seem also that the increasing pressure from parents for academic success would be another factor.

While this is certainly to be taken into account in organisations, we need to recognise imperfection is a deep source of value. Unconventional people have more value than ever in a world where they can broadcast. In the new world more than in the previous Industrial Age, it is those people that will escape the perfectionist syndrome that will succeed.
