How a Collection of Top Individuals is not a Top Team – Specifically When Setting Up an Organisation

Sometimes as a consultant I get involved in supporting the setup of new organisations. Invariably, and more so even if the organisation is rich, top individuals from all required disciplines are head-hunted for key positions. Alas, this collection of individuals often does not make a working team and a successful setup. This even sometimes ends up in disaster – just because the collection of individuals does not act as a team.

The more individuals have been successful, the more generally their ego has grown and the more it is difficult to get them to participate to a collective adventure. Professionals that have been successful and recognised also sometimes lack the drive and energy that is required when setting up a new organisation; not to mention that they may not be willing to work out the required nuts, bolts and details of setting up something from scratch.

From my perspective, the recommendation in this situation is two-fold:

  • try to get seasoned individuals that are still energetic, motivated, and open-minded, than top leaders in their discipline. The small lack of experience will be largely offset by the capability, motivation and willingness to build as a team something new;
  • invest largely in teambuilding and make sure there are plenty of alignment sessions to make the team work together to build something new. It is essential that they work as a team and understand each other’s needs.