How Ego Kills Creativity and Talent

Quoted in the excellent book ‘Ego is the Enemy‘ by Ryan Holiday: “The performance artist Marina Abramovi? puts it directly : “ If you start believing in your greatness , it is the death of your creativity ””

Ego kills creativity and talent. It’s a well known fact however we still witness too many situations that demonstrate the truth of this assertion.

It is difficult to stay cold headed when one finds success. We tend to believe we are special, and this is the beginning of the end.

Maybe it is worth remembering that success is as much the result of luck than the result of talent and creativity. And talent can be improved through sheer work; luck can be improved too in a certain measure, but it takes other skills. Ego will kill luck that is often based on good relationships with people; and it will also kill talent because one will not put any more the work in. So, let’s try to avoid ego even when we are successful!
