How Good People Don’t Wait for Opportunities, they Create Them

I like this post from Om Swami ‘Four Traits of Successful People‘. The post is mainly about the fact that you should not wait for opportunities, but create them.

I meet brilliant people all the time who could do a lot more in their life. But, they are stuck, they feel. Life hasn’t been fair to them or they are waiting for the right opportunity, they tell me.”

Of course it may sometimes be easier to say than to do. But, “If you say, I can’t do it, you are right already. If you ask, how can I do it, at least your mind will shift from denial to a thinking mode.

We need to shift more often to ‘how can I do it’ mode and create opportunities. Some will work, some won’t, you might get lucky or unlucky, but at the end you’ll have created your way.

When do you start?
