How to Organize an Executive “Retreat” (or rather an “Advance”?)

I love Seth Godin’s post on how to organize a company retreat ‘How to organize a retreat‘.

It starts by remarking that the word itself is a bit strange – it looks a bit like executives are trying to hide. Seth Godin proposes rather to use the term ‘Advance’. We could also use the term ‘Re-centering’.

An executive retreat is about taking some time building the team and thinking about the future of the organization, or some bold initiative. It is thus mainly about connecting at the emotional level, and I invite you to read Seth Godin’s recommendations again about how to achieve this and not some kind of boring event.

I would like to add a recommendation: keep it small, keep it tribe-like. Don’t envisage huge events, but make sure connection happens at the right level.

Careful when you think about your next executive “retreat”. Take some time to think about how what you want to achieve, and “Advance”!
