How Entrepreneurs Should Care About Their Contributors

Now that we have clarified what should be the objective mix of an entrepreneur, I would like to focus on one objective that I believe is too often forgotten: providing opportunities and livelihood to employees and other contributors involved.

It is amazing how this objective is so often forgotten when it is central to the creation of a healthy organization. Only by having contributors involved, committed and excited by the intent of the organization can it deliver exceptional service or products to clients.

And actually there are some situations where I find that this objective can be an essential guiding objective, in particular when the boat rocks and the economic situation of the company is not that great, or when there is a question about its future for example when shareholders don’t agree. My guiding principle is that people should not suffer from the inadequacy of shareholders or directors. They should be considered in the equation.

And while I know about being realistic when there is definitely a need to downsize because the economic equation does not work, this can be done as humanly possible.

Some fellow entrepreneurs might find that position too mellow but I truly believe that on the long term it is the only sustainable position, because the world is small and reputation is quickly earned one way or the other.
