How to Subtly Shift One’s Mind to Overcome Procrastination

Leo Babauta in his post ‘Mindfully Shifting Your Approach to a Task Can Shift Everything‘ reminds us that to tackle a task that is not easy or nice, and to overcome procrastination, all it takes is a subtle mindset shift.

So you either run to distraction and procrastinate, or you do it but really don’t enjoy doing it. Neither of these is helpful. So what can we do instead of procrastinating or disliking the task? We can bring some subtle, mindful, powerful shifts to the task. And in fact, we can do this to any activity.”

Many of the approaches then described by Leo Babauta involve more self-consciousness of our feelings and changing our view on this unpleasant task by living more in an appreciative manner, closer to the present. In summary, it requests more presence and self-consciousness about the importance of the task.

In general it is true that it is often effective to change slightly one’s mindset regarding some event or some task to find that it is finally easier to perform than one would expect.

Next time you’re faced with procrastination, try to change slightly your mindset and view about the difficult task you can’t seem to be able to perform!
