How the Value We Create Should be Measured Like Energy

This intriguing post ‘4 Questions with Peter Tunjic, Founder, DLMA Labs‘ touches on the issue of how to value on a comparative scale wealth, social interactions, infrastructures and other aspects creating value in our lives.

Peter Tunjic’s goal is to “create a program that would graphically represents flows of capitals within a corporation – financial, social, natural, etc. [He] had long recognized that capitals could be transformed from one form to another. ” – for example in a corporation.

The interesting part of his approach is that he concludes that money cannot be used as a way to reduce all forms of value. He rather compares value with a level of energy that can be transformed, like kinetic energy can be transformed in potential energy and vice-versa.

What we should be doing in business is turning money into things with a greater value than money – human, intellectual and social capital. Put simply, the unique properties of these capitals mean they can bring about more positive change for longer.”

The approach is still not mature, but thinking about measuring value as some energy that can be transformed is a great idea that would have merit for being developed further. Maybe a future contender to replace GDP as a measure of value growth?
