How We Need to Overcome the Fear of Unfulfillment of our Lives

In this excellent short post ‘Scared of success?’ the Gapingvoid culture design group addressed the link between fear and achievement. We are fearful to start something new. And when we don’t then we wonder why, and it creates even more fear: to have forego our lives doing nothing worthwhile.

The straightforward issue is that “Out of fear may come comfort, but also out of fear often comes a sense of unfulfillment. You spend your whole life being scared, then wonder why you haven’t created anything

And I find the next reverse issue even more interesting: “more poignantly, you spend whole life not creating anything, and then you wonder why you’re so scared all the time

The fear of unfulfillment, of not having lived at the expected level, of not having impressed on the world our talents, whatever they are, may be one of the most fundamental human fears. Let’s not just face it passively, let’s go explore new things and be creative!
