How We Should Start Before We Are Ready

Have a glimpse at this clever post by Austin Kleon ‘Start before you think you’re ready‘. Of course that post is about writing but that can apply to any creative field.

He starts by a quote from Stephen Arrigan: “I think that when it comes to writing books, you have to start before you are ready, because you will always feel like you are never ready. I find that as you write the book, the road ahead becomes clearer; before that, the road ahead is just a distraction“.

The point Austin Kleon makes is that it is often more comfortable and exciting doing research rather than writing. But then when writing the road becomes clearer as to what really needs to be researched, so we should not wait too much before starting to write.

I find that this applies to any creative field, including entrepreneurship. In creative fields, some research is good, too much research is procrastination because we don’t know what to look for before we start. Interesting lesson!
