How the Pandemic Accelerates the Move to Remote Work

The Covid-19 pandemic has really shaken the world. And it has accelerated the move towards virtual remote work. I like this title from Mitch Joel: “It Took A Global Pandemic To Change How We Work“.

While I have been practicing this work mode for years as a global consultant, many more people have found out that it can work provided there is a reasonable organisation at home to allow it. I have many contacts in large companies that discovered this mode of working for the first time, and were obliged to do that for weeks!

I am deeply convinced that in the collaborative age, we’ll still have face-to-face meetings but we will also work increasingly from home or remotely.

The key, I believe, is to know each other physically if possible before starting to collaborate virtually. Although that may not even be fully true as long as there has been some one-to-one personal interaction on an emotional level before, and that can also be through some remote video meetings.

And this will also mean some profound changes in architecture: home offices will become a must and not any more an option.

Welcome to the age of remote work!
