How Large Companies Have a Challenge in Personalizing Service

In this post ‘The Coronavirus Shows Why, if They are to Stay Healthy, Companies Need to Rethink Practices‘, Valeria Maltoni shares her experience with companies struggling to align their communication and practices in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis. She also shares an interesting little illustration which we reproduce here.

Beyond her particular experience, this post inspires me to consider how little companies have grown to develop personalized and responsive experiences, while technology would now allow this. The author gets an automated message from an airline about her oncoming trip while all flights have been cancelled. When events happen, industrial-age systems don’t bother and continue to plough away. They are not flexible and responsive to events. They don’t deliver personalized advice and information.

Large industrial organisations that will manage to develop this level of personalized services will take a lead as that is increasingly what customers expect. They get personalized advertisements and messages from internet platforms. Why do they continue to be treated as a uniform mass by service companies?

When technology changes exponentially and organizations change logarithmically, at some stage there will be a massive disruption. It is coming.
